What Are the Costs of Being on a Drill Team?

School athletics are notorious for being expensive due to their competitive nature, and the other fees that are required to be on the team.

The cost of children participating in school athletics has progressively climbed over time. Even though it is an additional cost to the home budget, parents are still responsible for school participation fees and other associated costs.

These school sports often include soccer, basketball, football, swim, and cheerleading. One huge competitive sport that does not get enough recognition is the drill team.

Drill, also known as “Dance Drill,” is a competitive sport where rhythm and movement are involved, along with strict discipline.

There are many types of drill teams such as a marching unit that follows military drill procedures, armed or unarmed military drill teams, or routines that are created using precision dance drill techniques.

This sport is highly competitive and with this has plenty of fees and requirements to be able to participate.

Between uniforms, transportation, attire, choreography, and other items needed to participate in a dance drill team, these essentials add up and can become extremely expensive and overwhelming.

On average, being on a high school dance drill team costs anywhere between $800-$3,000 for one season. This can vary depending on location, uniforms/attire, transportation, competition entry fees, choreography, and other miscellaneous items. Each team has different requirements, so it is best to read the dance drill contract thoroughly.

Type of CostPer Season
Average Uniform$50
Expensive Unitform$175-$250
Travel: Bus$20-$150
Travel: Airfare & Hotel$200-$500
Local Competition$30-$70
Regional Competition$100

There are many key factors when it comes to the drill team and overall expenses. The most important ones are the travel fare, uniforms, attire, competition fees, choreography, and other items.

These are expensive since it costs money to travel to competitions, and it also costs money to buy attire and uniforms for these events. These competitive events are also costly as there is an entry fee for all dance competitions.

Other items such as team dinners, small events, and banquet events all add up and boost the price of the overall season. Drill team is very costly due how high maintenance it is, it is best to read the schools contract to ensure that there is no hassle in paying for these items.

 Average Costs of Drill Team

The average cost of being on a drill team can range in the hundreds to the thousands. These are some of the most expensive components of it.

Uniforms and Attire Cost

Uniforms are required to perform and compete in competitions. The average cost of putting up a uniform is around $50, but it can be even cheaper.

If you find yourself out at a fabric store putting your drill uniform together with purchased components, anticipate spending between $100 and $150.

If you are not putting the uniform together, and the uniform is being provided for you, this may be a bit more expensive.

The most expensive uniforms are character/kick uniforms built expressly for the style of routine (ranges from lyrical to hip-hop) prices can range from $175 to $250 per uniform. This budget also accounts for any necessary accessories, such as props.

Attire for the drill team varies, there can be practice attire, or award ceremony outfits. New practice clothing such as team tanks, leggings, and sports bras are all attire. Gear such as backpacks, duffel bags, and uniform bags, as well as team sweatshirts and warm-up coats.

Travel Cost

Drill team travel can be expensive especially if competitions are out of the school district. Transportation and hotel fares are one of the most expensive requirements for drill team.

Bus is normally the main form of transportation for drill team competitions. This is usually free of charge and provided by the school district. If it is not provided, bussing fees can range from $20-$150.

Some competitions will be out-of-state, which will be more costly.

You will be required to pay for airfare, hotel stays, and food. This can cost anywhere from $200-$500 per out-of-state competition.

Competition Fees

There will also be entry costs for the competition. These are out-of-pocket costs that the competitions impose on each performer or act.

In general, the following competition fees can be expected:

  • Participation fee
  • Food

There will be a mandatory number of competitions each dancer needs to be enlisted in.

Smaller Competitions: Local high school competitions can range from $30-$70 per dancer.

Bigger Competitions: It can be more costly, drill team competitions such as regionals and nationals is around $100.

Big drill team competitions such as USA Nationals has multiple fees per dancer, the USA office must receive a $100 per person competition registration deposit as well as supplementary documents before the deadline or there will be a $20 late fee due.

Choreography Cost

Choreography is the art or practice of creating sequences of physical body movements that specify motion, shape, or both.

The term “choreography” can also relate to the design and is important for dance drill teams as this choreography will be used in competitions. Choreography is expensive since it must be taught by an instructor.

On Average, a choreographed piece will cost $100 per student and can vary depending on the type of choreography being performed.

Teachers typically charge different sums depending on their competence, experience, and other considerations such as those stated above. These costs range and differ depending on how many routines/ dances each student is partaking in.

Miscellaneous Cost

Sometimes there will be out of pocket expenses such as paying for a team dinner or buying new dance shoes for a new routine. There may also be mandatory dance classes to take as a team that will be of extra cost.

Some activities and events such as camp are usually required. These small inconveniences add up and can cost an additional $200 per season.

Portrait of an happy young cheerleader in action outdoors


All school athletics have contracts that break down the cost of each item or event that will be occurring during the season. It is best to read this thoroughly and to keep extra copies so that there are no surprises when a balance is due.