Does Walmart Install Backup Cameras?

Walmart carries a line of backup cameras, and they also have technicians at designated locations who can install them into your vehicle. As you may tell from Walmart’s wide selection of most products, including backup cameras, that chances are they have what you need.

Of course, you can install the backup camera yourself. While the technical aspects are within reach of many people, there are definite disadvantages to doing the work yourself. When you purchase a backup camera from Walmart, they have set in place a system to carry out the installation on backup camera brands offered in their store.

Keep in mind that the installation is not performed by Walmart itself, but rather InstallerNet, a separate company that does the installation for those who purchase backup cameras from Walmart. 

What is a Backup Camera?

Admittedly, the name itself can be a little confusing since the term ‘backup’ is also used for a redundant or replacement product as well. This is not a second camera designed to take over from the first if it should fail. This is a camera that is designed to be used when you back your vehicle or put it into reverse so you can see a full field of view behind you.

The backup camera is generally installed low on the back of the vehicle below the rear windshield or above the windshield but pointed in a downward direction. The purpose of the backup camera is to allow you to see directly behind the vehicle by looking at a monitor rather than having to turn around in your car seat or use the mirrors.

Plus, the backup camera shows you a view of the area behind your vehicle that cannot normally be seen. If you think of the area directly behind your license plate, you cannot see objects that are below the level of your trunk since the view is blocked. The backup camera lets you see objects sitting behind your vehicle. Plus, a small child or animal that might cross behind your vehicle that cannot be seen through the rear windshield can be viewed by the backup camera.

A backup camera is powered by your vehicle’s battery much in the same manner as your car stereo. You can purchase the camera and monitor from Walmart, but they are installed by a third party known as InstallerNet.

How the Installation Process Works

Using the InstallerNet Car Backup Camera Installation Service, you will receive an email that includes an installation number and information on how to schedule an appointment to have your camera installed.

This means that you will have an appointment scheduled so the backup camera can be installed at a time of your convenience. The email you receive will have other information on it as well, so you can schedule your appointment during the open dates.

The installation specialist will not only install the camera but the monitor as well. The wires will be run through the vehicle, so the camera and monitor are connected and powered as well. The wires will be run through the vehicle and double-checked to ensure that they are installed correctly.

The monitor may be installed either in the dash or on top of the dashboard. This will depend on if your dashboard has the room necessary to hold the monitor. The installer will advise you as to which method will work the best. Keep in mind that monitors installed on top of the dashboard will be easily visible to others from the outside.

Keep in mind that because of the product and your vehicle that more parts or additional labor may be required. This may include the installation and wiring of different products that must be included for the camera and monitory to be properly installed. In addition, the setup and route of the wiring in your vehicle may be different compared to most other models.

Once the installation is complete, you will receive a product demonstration. This will provide instructions on how the camera and monitor operates. This is also a checkout for the installer to ensure that everything is working properly before leaving you with the product installed. You will go through the instructions that include turning the camera and monitor on, making any adjustments, what each feature does, and how it is best to be used.


According to the Walmart site, the current pricing for installing a backup camera is $139.99. That price is subject to change. Plus, you may receive a discount or a price that is combined with the purchase of a backup camera that may be lower than the indicated price on the site.

InstallerNet is paid through Walmart for the service they provide, so you do not have to pay them separately.


Walmart offers a lifetime limited warranty for approved backup cameras, most notably the cameras that they offer in their store. This means that if the installation is not carried out effectively, they will make the necessary changes as part of their warranty even if the issue does not surface for many years down the road.

The product itself cannot be returned after 90 days, so keep that in mind if you want the camera removed or replaced. After the 90 days passes, the camera can no longer be returned for a refund, so you will have to pay additional money to purchase a new camera.

Pros & Cons

There are numerous advantages as well as disadvantages in purchasing a backup camera system from Walmart and having it installed. For those who are considering adding such a device, it pays to know the pros and cons, so you can make the best-informed decision.

Low Price: Arguably the best reason why choosing a backup camera and having it installed by Walmart is a good idea is the low price. Because Walmart is the largest general retail store in the US, they get their products at lower prices compared to many other retail stores. This means that you pay less for the products and the installation fee is quite competitive.

Good Selection: The Walmart online catalog shows a good range of backup camera products. This means that you can find the one best suited for your vehicle and budget.

Of course, Walmart is not perfect when it comes to all the products or installation services that you need. This means that there are some disadvantages to what they offer as well.

Time: This is perhaps the biggest con using Walmart is that you must schedule an appointment for the backup camera and equipment to be installed. Unlike some specialty stores which can often arrange the installation right after purchase, you will have to set another time which may be later that day, the next day, the next week, or longer depending on how many people are in front of you.

This can be quite annoying if you wanted the items installed quickly for use. However, this is an unavoidable feature of using Walmart. Keep in mind that a quick installation may occur, but you cannot count on it.

Limited Selection: While the selection of backup cameras from Walmart is good, they do not have all the models available. If you are looking for a backup camera that has certain features for example, it may not be present in the Walmart catalog. This is where a specialty store may be a better option since they have specific brands which may not be as popular but are better suited for your vehicle.


For most people, the Walmart selection and installation service for backup cameras are more than adequate. The cameras themselves are of good quality, the monitor and additional systems are also quite good, and it achieves its primary purpose of letting you see what a blind area of the vehicle is itself. The 90-day return allows for more than adequate time to discover if the camera is not right for your needs.

Plus, the limited lifetime installation warranty means that if an issue does crop up over the next several months or even years, you can have it corrected if it falls within the warranty’s description. This can save you a considerable amount compared to having the work performed at a price.

The downside is the possible delay in the installation process. This is a considerable disadvantage compared to some stores that specialize in camera installation for vehicles. It most often means two trips to have the work performed. If you need the camera installed right away, then it is better to go to a store that specializes in same-day installation service.

Overall, getting a backup camera purchased and installed through Walmart and InstallerNet will work for most people. While there is the inconvenience of having to make two trips, that is normally not that big of an issue. Especially considering the savings in price and convenience of shopping at Walmart which has many other goods for your needs.